Present your scientific researches and results at the SEPAWA® CONGRESS VIRTUAL 2021!
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The SEPAWA® CONGRESS is jointly organized by SEPAWA® e.V., the German Society of Scientific and Applied Cosmetics (DGK e.V.) and the Division of Detergent Chemistry of the German Chemical Society (GDCh).
The SEPAWA® CONGRESS comprises the European Detergents Conference (EDC), the DGP Conference and the Cosmetic Science Conference (CSC). The CSC will be newly introduced by the DGK e.V. in 2021 as a successor of the former DGK Symposium. As an independent conference and European platform for advanced cosmetic science the CSC will provide latest science in the cosmetic field alongside the SEPAWA® CONGRESS.
We would like to thank all authors for submitting their lecture and poster abstracts for the "SEPAWA® CONGRESS VIRTUAL 2021".
All submitted abstracts were reviewed by the Programme Committee.
You were informed (or will be informed in the next few days) by e-mail if your abstract was accepted for this year’s congress.
If your poster/lecture was accepted please observe the following guidelines.
Please complete your profile in the Abstract Management System and upload the following documents to the given deadlines:
- Feedback if you have any improvements to your submitted abstract information (latest Wednesday, 30 June 2021)
- Signed copyright (latest 01 September 2021)
- Proceedings (latest 01 September 2021)
- Poster PDF (latest 01 September 2021)
- Send by mail MP4 video file (latest 01 September 2021)
We would like to thank all authors for presenting a lecture or poster.
Your SEPAWA® Organising Team
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