We are happy to invite you to our Special Events!
Children (-desire) & career in science | Kinder (-wunsch) & Karriere in der Wissenschaft
Panel discussion
Wie vereinbaren Forscher*innen in der Allgemeinen Psychologie die wissenschaftliche Laufbahn mit dem Familienleben?
Carina G. Giesen & Christina Pfeuffer (Jungmitgliedersprecherinnen der Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie)
Bei der Frage, ob man eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft und eine Professur anstreben möchte, zögern Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen mit kleinen Kindern oder Kinderwunsch häufig. Denn neben vielen anderen Gründen für die Entscheidung gegen eine wissenschaftliche Karriere wird oft die Vereinbarkeit des Familienlebens mit einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere als besondere Hürde wahrgenommen. Dies führt dazu, dass auch viele begabte Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen mit guten Aussichten und Interesse an einer Laufbahn in der Wissenschaft sich gegen eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn entscheiden. Wir möchten uns daher diesem Thema widmen und Bedenken zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und wissenschaftlicher Laufbahn aufgreifen. Wie kann ich eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft mit meinem Familienleben/ Kinderwunsch vereinbaren? Wie ist es möglich, mich um meine Laufbahn zu kümmern, wenn ich Kinder habe?
In der Paneldiskussion werden individuelle Wege, Herausforderungen und Strategien zur Vereinbarkeit von wissenschaftlicher Laufbahn und Familienleben aufgezeigt. Hierfür berichten Prof. Dr. Anne Gast (Universität Köln, Mutter von zwei Kindern), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Lukas (PH Weingarten, Mutter von drei Kindern) und Jun.-Prof Dr. David Dignath (Universität Tübingen, Vater von zwei Kindern) von ihren Erfahrungen zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Wissenschaft auf unterschiedlichen Karrierestufen und freuen sich auf den Austausch mit interessierten Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen.
Panelisten: Anne Gast, David Dignath, Sarah Lukas
Collaborative projects and project proposals in science
Podiumsdiskussion zu Verbundprojektanträgen in der Psychologie
Verbundprojekte der verschiedenen DFG-Formate (FOR, GRK, SPP, SFB) werden in der Psychologie in Relation zu anderen Fächern eher selten beantragt. Stattdessen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Sachbeihilfen (Einzelanträgen). Diese Imbalance soll Gegenstand einer Podiumsdiskussion sein, bei der Forscher:innen, die an den entsprechenden Formaten beteiligt sind, Erfahrungen und Tipps austauschen, und dies mit dem zuständigen Programmdirektor der DFG diskutieren. Die Veranstaltung ist zudem interaktiv gedacht. Sie richtet sich dezidiert auch an junge Kolleg:innen, die vielleicht in der Zukunft an solchen Verbundprojekten mitwirken wollen.
Panelisten: Prof. Dr. Iring Koch (Aachen), Prof. Dr. Andrea Kiesel (Freiburg), Prof. Dr. Christian Frings (Trier), Dr. Stefan Koch, Programmdirektor Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (DFG, Bonn)
The Leibniz Institute for Psychologie (ZPID)
Lunch session with information about the institute’s products and services
The Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) is the supra-regional research support facility for psychology in German-speaking countries. It supports the entire scientific work process, from literature research and study planning to data collection and analyses to documentation, archiving, and publication of results.
We invite participants of the TeaP 2023 to join us for lunch, and healthy lunchboxes will be provided. Feel free to come meet the ZPID Staff and learn more about our ideas on open science. Take this opportunity to check out ZPID’s free-of-charge services. Brown bag lunches will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.
Meeting of the Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie
The Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie (General Psychology Section) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) invites their members.
Demo PreReg Preregistration
When? Monday, 27 & Tuesday, 28, 15:00 – 15:45 | Wednesday, 29, 13:30 – 14:15
Where? Campus I, Building B, Room B 21
Preregistering studies is an effective open science technique because it documents which (analytical) decisions were made prior to knowing the data. However, preregistration involves additional effort. ZPID, the Leibniz Institute for Psychology, fosters open science practices in psychology and related disciplines by providing researchers with tools and services at each stage of the scientific process. The Pre-Registration in Psychology platform (https://prereg-psych.org) provides information on preregistration, templates for creating your own preregistration, and the possibility to easily submit and publish to a repository. The platform is introduced in this demonstration.
Instructor: Dr. Stefanie Mueller, Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
Demo DataWiz: Research Data Documentation in Psychology Made Easy
When? Monday, 27 & Tuesday, 28, 15:00 – 15:45 | Wednesday, 29, 13:30 – 14:15
Where? Campus I, Building B, Room B 22
In recent years, it became obvious that Open Science practices, like sharing research data in a (re)usable way means additional effort. In particular, the quality-assured and sustainable provision of research data requires at least a minimum of data documentation. For optimal (re)use, typically three levels of data documentation or metadata are needed: (1) The basic resource description for collection management and resource discovery (Dublin Core); (2) the study-level documentation for research context and methods; and (3) the data-level documentation (codebooks or data dictionaries).
In order to facilitate the laborious task of data documentation in psychology, a web-based tool - named DataWiz - was developed. The primary goal of the development project funded by the German Research Foundation was to lower the hurdle to do data documentation and to make it an integral part of common research practices in psychology. This demo aims to introduce the documentation module of DataWiz, which allows researchers to create a research data object containing the data and metadata in a non-proprietary format that can be uploaded to research data repositories.
Instructor: Dr. Katarina Blask, Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
Demo PsychArchives: the disciplinary repository for psychological science
When? Monday, 27 & Tuesday, 28, 15:00 – 15:45 | Wednesday, 29, 13:30 – 14:15
Where? Campus I, Building A, Room A7
This demo will introduce PsychArchives, the disciplinary repository for psychological science. Recent years have seen the gradual but sustained growth in practices collectively known as ‘Open Science’. Part of this ongoing cultural change, which is well underway in Psychology, has been a growing advocacy for transparency and access to research output from across the entire research cycle. PsychArchives, which is maintained by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID), provides the necessary sustainable infrastructure to achieve these goals. In PsychArchives, a variety of digital research objects, including articles, preprints, research data, code, supplements, preregistrations and tests, are safely stored and made accessible for the long term.
Instructor: Dr. Lea Gerhards, Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
Demo PsychNotebook: Create, share, and export your code projects / teach coding
When? Monday, 27 & Tuesday, 28, 15:00 – 15:45 | Wednesday, 29, 13:30 – 14:15
Where? Campus I, Building B, Room A6
PsychNotebook is a platform that offers statistical software such as RStudio and JupyterLab in an online environment. It is a tool to promote open science, in particular transparent and reproducible analyses, with a focus on teaching and collaboration. PsychNotebook supports teaching (and learning) code-based analyses by removing the hassle of installing or setting up software. In PsychNotebook you can create projects that contain scripts, data, instructions and more. You can share your projects with your students (copy access) or your collaborators (edit access) so that recipients work with exactly the same files in exactly the same software environment. Problems caused by working on different versions or in different directories are thus eliminated. Likewise projects can be easily archived and then imported again, resulting in the same scripts running in the same software environment as before. In this demonstration, I will introduce the features of PsychNotebook described above.
Requirements: None, maybe laptop, if you want to click along.
Instructor: Lars-Dominik Braun, Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)
Demo emoTouch Web - A Web-Based System for Continuous Response Studies and Audience Feedback in Live-, Lab- and Online Settings
When? Monday, 27 & Tuesday, 28, 15:00 – 15:45 | Wednesday, 29, 13:30 – 14:15
Where? Campus I, Building A, Room A 8
emoTouch Web is a new web-based system for designing, conducting, and evaluating continuous response real-time studies. It is based on web and network technologies and turns any modern smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer into a flexible and reliable research and audience feedback tool in laboratory, online, and live settings.
The interface of emoTouch studies is completely configurable and may contain an unlimited number of interface elements like one-dimensional sliders, 2D rating areas, category scales, checkboxes, buttons, images and text elements. Any audio or video files can also be integrated and will play from the participant's devices. The interface will dynamically adapt to the various screen sizes and ratios.
Once a study is designed and started, it can be accessed just by scanning the study's QR Code. Subjects can even participate with the smartphones they carry in their pockets anyway ('Bring-Your-Own-Device', BYOD). This easily enables e.g. audience studies and feedback situations with hundreds of participants at the same time.
For the evaluation of the collected real-time data, emoTouch also contains coordinated tools for the graphical and numerical display and analysis of the data in longitudinal and cross-section.
emoTouch Web can be useful in all disciplines that deal with time-bound phenomena, such as music, theatre, dance, film, commercials, lectures, speeches or sport events. The system was developed at the musicology department of Osnabrück University (Germany) and is available free of charge for scientific purposes at https://www.emotouch.de.
The demonstration shows the possibilities of the system as well as the flow of a typical research process with emoTouch Web.
Instructors: Christoph Louven, Carolin Scholle, Fabian Gehrs, Osnabrück University, Germany
Poster Prize Award
The Section General Psychology of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) will grant three Poster Awards for the best posters presented at the 65th TeaP.For nomination, please submit the following documents in a single PDF document via email to admin.nachwuchsallgpsy@googlemail.com. Application deadline is 02.03.2023.
- Poster abstract (max 250 words)
- Poster (in PDF format)
- Copy of the conference notification email that the poster contribution is accepted. Please note Pre-Data Posters are not eligible to apply.
The best three posters receive a cash prize: 1st prize (300 €), 2nd prize (200 €), 3rd prize (100 €).
The ranking will be decided by the Poster Prize Committee of the 65th TeaP. The committee will evaluate the quality of the posters using the following criteria:
* Scientific Quality
* Originality
* Clarity
* Self-explanatory
* Poster Design
Nominees of the most promising poster submissions will be invited to present the poster to the Poster Prize Committee in a Poster Award Session. Date and place of the Poster Award Session will be announced in the conference program. The winners will be publicly announced before the final keynote on the third conference day.
Questions regarding the Poster Prize Award should be addressed to the chair of the Poster Prize Committee: Prof. Andreas Eder, JMU Würzburg, Germany (andreas.eder@uni-wuerzburg.de)
We are looking forward to your submission!
For assistance and questions, please also contact: