TeaP 2024 Regensburg
TeaP 2024 Regensburg
Detailed Program and Sessions Overview

Feel free to explore the exciting contributions of the TeaP 2024.

The book of abstracts can be found here.
An interactive agenda and detailed program can be found here.
The "Bookmark" feature allows you to bookmark individual papers / sessions of interest. However, these bookmarks are only stored locally on your current device. So please remember to export your own agenda at the end of the conference and import it to the device of your choice for use during the conference.

You can download the detailed program as PDF with additional general information about TeaP 2024 here.

Here is an overview of all sessions and additional events during TeaP 2024:


SONNTAG, March 17th 2024
10:00-17:00 Pre-Conference Workshops  
  Technical and experimental design considerations for integrating fNIRS and EEG
Location: H5
Hands-on introduction to fNIRS
Location: H6
Preregistration in Psychology - A Hands-On Workshop
Location: H7
Creating and publishing FAIR data - Hands-on workshop on using ZPID's data management services
Location: H8
Hyperscanning with mobile EEG workshop - Demonstration and data acquisition of multiple participants in social contexts
Location: H9
17:00-21:00 Welcome Reception / Begrüßungsabend (Location: Leerer Beutel)  

MONDAY, March 18th 2024
  H11 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H8 H9
8:30-10:00 Talks 1
  Adaptive Retrieval Practice and its Applications in Education and Health
(Van der Velde & Van Rijn)
Multitasking and Cognitive Control I
(Brüning & Lück)
Better together? Benefits and costs of joint action
(Wahn, Tufft, & Schmitz)
Crossmodal Perception / Synesthesia
Experimental Engineering Psychology and Human Factors I
(Baumann & Brandenburg)
Artificial Intelligence
Facial Expressions I
How do auditory and speech processing alterations contribute to symptoms in psychosis: a predictive coding approach
(Knolle & Sterner)
10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK
10:30-12:00 Talks 2
  Test-enhanced learning
(Pastötter & Kliegl)
Multitasking and Cognitive Control II
(Lück & Brüning)
Joint Action
Seeing, Thinking, and Acting in a Physical World (Paulun & Rothkopf) Experimental Engineering Psychology and Human Factors II
(Baumann & Brandenburg)
AI and decision-making: Insights from varied applied settings
Facial Expressions II
Cognitive and Neural Processes Underlying the Perception of Odors
(Schwarzbach & Hummel)



Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie Mentoring-Programm (Location: H2)
13:30-15:00 Welcome Address (Location: Audimax/H1)
What happened to Ebbinghaus’ second category of memories? Basic findings on involuntary autobiographical memories


Poster session 1 (Location: Main Hall) – COFFEE BREAK
Z1: Motor and Action Control; Z2a: Memory and Learning I; Z2b: Clinical and Biological Psychology – Metacognition; Z3: Human Factors I – Perception I
16:30-18:00 Talks 3
  Source Memory
(Tanyas & Symeonidou)
Changes for learning: how do changes in task-specific representations shape adaptive cognitive control?
(Schwarze & Fandakova)
Action Control
Natural Scene Perception
Clinical Psychology
Virtual Reality and the Perception of Time
(Bogon & Riemer)
Methods in reading and language research
Touch perception: From Unisensory to Multimodal
(Katircilar & Drewing)
18:15 Meeting Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie (Location: H3)
21:00 Meeting of Young Scientists (Location: Hinterhaus)

TUESDAY, March 19th 2024
H11 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H8 H9
8:30-10:00 Talks 4
Retrieval processes in autobiographical remembering
(Hackländer & Abel)
Affect, motivation and control I
(Dignath & Fröber)
Self-Processing in the Social Mind: Insights from Behavioral and Neurocognitive Psychology
Progress in TVA-based Visual Attention Research: From Fundamentals to Applications I
(Tünnermann & Scharlau)
Traffic Psychology I: Human behavior and traffic safety
Current Developments in Evaluative Conditioning: Methodologies, Mechanisms, and Manifestations
Towards a Sustainable Experimental Psychology: Theory, Replicability, Behavior
Decision Making I
10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK
10:30-12:00 Talks 5
Collective remembering: Social processes and public event memories
(Abel & Hackländer)
Affect, motivation and control II
(Fröber & Dignath)
(Pfeuffer & Pastötter)
Location: Gallery
Progress in TVA-based Visual Attention Research: From Fundamentals to Applications II (Scharlau, Tünnermann & Schrenk) Traffic Psychology II: Perceptual aspects
Advances in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Computational modeling in experimental psychology: Linking model-based and process tracing analyses
(Pachur & Donkin)
Decision Making II



Panel Discussion "Praxis über Theorie: Ist allgemeine Grundlagenforschung noch genug für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere?" (Location: Audimax/H1)
13:30-14:30 KEYNOTE SENNE BRAEM (Location: Audimax/H1)
“Learning to be in control”


Poster session 2 (Location: Main Hall) – COFFEE BREAK
Z1: Human Factors II; Z2a: Cognitive Control and Conflict I; Z2b: Decision Making – Memory and Learning II; Z3: Methods – Perception II
16:00-17:30 Talks 6
Simon and his friends: New insights into the processing of task-irrelevant information
Episodic Binding
Harnessing Gaze - Eyes for Information, Communication, and Understanding
(Eberhardt & Huckauf)
Working Memory
Perceptual Learning
Drift Diffusion Modeling
Numerical Cognition / Cross-Modal Perception
19:00 Conference Dinner (Location: Fürstliches Brauhaus)

WEDNESDAY, March 20th 2024
  H11 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H8 H9
8:30-10:00 Talks 7
Enhancing Learning and Memory
Cognitive Effort
Feature binding in action control and beyond I: How binding contributes to stimulus-response learning, cognitive control, and event segmentation
(Prochnow & Benini)
Cognitive and Neural Processes Underlying the Perception of Actions, Scenes and Objects I
(Zimmermann & Lingnau)
Experimental Aesthetics I
(Manolika, Marschallek, Weiler, Jacobsen)
Motor Development and Cognition
Embodied Cognition
The Impact of Language Experience on Learning and Memory
(Roembke & Simonetti)
10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK
10:30-12:00 Talks 8
  Recent Insights on the Basis, Accuracy, and Impact of Metacognitive Judgments
(Schäfer & Navarro-Baéz)
The intensity of mental effort: Hot news from the body
Feature binding in action control and beyond II: How binding contributes to stimulus-response learning, cognitive control, and event segmentation
(Prochnow & Benini)
Cognitive and Neural Processes Underlying the Perception of Actions, Scenes and Objects II
(Zimmermann & Lingnau)
Experimental Aesthetics II
(Manolika, Marschallek, Weiler, Jacobsen)
Cognitive Development across the Lifespan
Sense of agency in action: The influence of control experience on goal-directed behavior


13:30-14:30 KEYNOTE MARIEKE MUR (Location: Audimax/H1)
“Object recognition in humans and artificial neural networks in naturalistic visual tasks”


Poster session 3 (Location: Main Hall) – COFFEE BREAK
Z1: Language; Z2a: Cognitive Control and Conflict II; Z2b: Attention – Perception III; Z3: Interaction and Social Psychology – Memory and Learning III
16:00-17:30 Talks 9
Metacognition and Problem Solving
Rationalizing on the Constraints and Structure of Cognitive Control – Lessons from Laboratory and Field Assessments
Episodic retrieval of recent stimulus-response episodes as a source of cognitive control and learning
(Giesen & Rothermund)
Egocentric and allocentric reference frames: Integrating across measures, task complexity, and spatial scales
(Baltaretu, McManus, & Fiehler)
Social Psychology
Innovative methods for assessing emotion recognition, interoception and stress processing in children and adolescents
Psychological factors in chronic pain: Recent experimental results
Modulation of Impulsive Choice and Impulsive Action
17:30-18:00 Closing Session (Audimax/H1)
19:00 Guided City Tour


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