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China Consumer Health Digital Innovation Summit 2024
21 May 2024 - 22 May 2024 • Shanghai, China
With the continuous promotion of the Healthy China 2030 Initiative, the consumer health market is growing stronger, reflecting the advance of health consumption awareness and the enhancement of self-health management awareness. In the post-COVID-19 era, the consumer health market has shown remarkable resilience and vitality. This summit will bring together medical and health experts, business leaders, retail pharmacy experts, and industry peers to discuss the core topics of consumer health industry, forecast the diversified needs of consumer health in the future, and help the rapid development of consumer health industry!
Hot Points In the post-COVID-19 era, from serious medical care to family-centered health management. AIGC technology inspires new growth in health marketing. Health awareness drives the development of the OTC market. Supplements and food with special functions continue to grow rapidly. Recovery of consumer healthcare. Digital health management.
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Last updated: 2 February 2024