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MAP 2024 — Molecular Analysis for Precision Oncology Congress 2024
16. Okt 2024 - 18. Okt 2024 • London, Großbritannien
CRUK, ESMO, Unicancer
MAP focuses on current and emerging approaches in precision oncology, highlights successes and challenges, and proposes potential solutions in clinical research and practice. This event constitutes an excellent occasion to reunite basic scientists, people working on new technologies, medical doctors, and healthcare providers.
Tel.: [+41 (0)91 973 19 47];     Email: map@esmo.org
cancer biology, translational research, molecular pathology, clinical research, immunotherapy, personalised cancer medicine, precision medicine, precision oncology, tumour immunology, anticancer agents, basic science, biological therapy, laboratory medicine, genetic counselling, tumour response evaluation, imaging, molecular imaging, epigenetics, tumours evolution, KRAS, molecular characterisation, clonal evolution, microenvironment in metastasis, myeloid targets for immunotherapy, transcription inhibitors, translation inhibitors, therapeutic targeting, early detection, molecular profiling
EANO 2024 — 19th Meeting of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology
17. Okt 2024 - 20. Okt 2024 • Glasgow, Großbritannien
As usual, the annual EANO meeting will kick off with an Educational Day on Thursday, October 17 and the main programme will commence on Friday, October 18. The congress encourages exchange and collaboration between all relevant disciplines: Neuro-Oncology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, Neuroradiology and Radiation Oncology as well as Nursing and other Allied Health Professionals, and aims to bring together scientific and clinical expertise and research to bridge gaps in our understanding and management of central nervous system tumours. EANO is Europe’s multidisciplinary Neuro-Oncology organisation representing all medical and scientific disciplines involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tumours of the central nervous system. The successful 2023 EANO meeting in Rotterdam attracted more than 1000 participants from all continents and was very highly rated!
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
ESHNR Masterclass 2024
21. Nov 2024 - 23. Nov 2024 • Manchester, Großbritannien
European Society of Head and Neck Radiology – ESHNR
The content of the 2024 Masterclass will focus more on the skull base region. This meeting will explore refresher and challenging areas with particular reference to upper aerodigestive tract, soft tissue neck, oncology and neck glands. The programme will include short lectures highlighting recent developments, imaging techniques, relevant anatomy and pathology, followed by case-based discussion in small-group workshops giving you the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback. Aimed at Radiologists with an interest in, and experience of, head and neck radiology, this course will help all those who wish to brush-up on their anatomy, learn about latest developments and add value and structure to their imaging reports.
Tel.: [+43 1 5334064-918];     Email: office@eshnr.eu
upper aerodigestive tract, soft tissue neck, oncology, neck glands, skull base, head and neck, radiology

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Stand vom 11. August 2024