PIANC Panama - Agenda

10:30 - 12:00
Room: Track F (Berlin 2 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
John Clarkson
Reliability Assessment of Unreinforced Hydraulic Structures Using Probabilistic Methods
Arslan Tahir 1, Claus Kunz 1, Daniel Straub 2
1 Department of Structural Engineering, Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW)
2 Engineering Risk Analysis Group, Technical University of Munich,

Existing design standards are based on the semi-probabilistic partial safety factor concept. They are mostly developed for general purpose structures, with a special focus on buildings and bridges. Hydraulic structures differ from buildings and bridges with respect to loading conditions, geometry and failure mechanisms. This research study focuses on the comparison of the semi-probabilistic safety concept using Eurocode (EC 0, 1, 2, 7) and a full probabilistic safety assessment for hydraulic structures in inland navigation system constructed with unreinforced concrete. The relevant failure modes are related to stability, i.e. overturning, sliding, uplift, and compression and shear strength. A static analysis is conducted using partial safety factors from Eurocode. The results are compared to a fully probabilistic reliability analysis with FORM (First Order Reliability Method) and subset simulation. The structural reliability index, critical failure mechanisms and parameter sensitivity are evaluated for a gravity wall for flood protection made of unreinforced concrete structure.The comparison provides insights into the deficiency/redundancy of partial safety factors in different limit states for hydraulic structures for a life-time target reliability index (β) of 3.8. The identified critical parameters and failure mechanisms for the specific structure enable recommendations for extent and quality of testing and indicate which limit state functions require more advanced structural analysis methods.

We-S9-F - Inland Navigation-1
Session 9 - Waterway infrastructures: locks, weirs, river banks, ...
Arslan Tahir
Track F (Berlin 2 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
John Clarkson
Wednesday, 9 May
10:30 - 12:00
Session times:
10:30 - 12:00