PIANC Panama - Agenda

15:30 - 17:00
Session 7 - Multiple purpose water resourse systems (transport, energy, recreational, ecosystems, watersheds, potable water, ...)
Room: Track E (Berlin 1 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
Rachel Grandpre
Tu-S7-E - Environment-1
Todd Bridges
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, United States
Tu-S7-E - Environment-2
Hans Quaeyhaegens 1, Peter Ratinckx 2, Roeland Adams 2, Dorien Verstraete 1, Michaël Van Rompaey 2
1 De Vlaamse Waterweg, Belgium, 2 IMDC, Belgium
Tu-S7-E - Environment-3
Muraleedharan Gangadharan, Claudia Lucas, Guedes Soares
Center for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering(CENTEC), The University of Lisbon, Portugal