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3rd Rencontre PhyNuBE: Fission and Nuclear Astrophysics
06. Okt 2024 - 11. Okt 2024 • Oléron, Frankreich
The PhyNuBe scientific meetings are intended to gather and educate students and senior scientists around major scientific topics of our field, as well as reinforcing links between theory and experiment and encouraging cross-fertilize activities.
SSNET'24 Conference — Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory
04. Nov 2024 - 08. Nov 2024 • Orsay, Frankreich
The SSNET 2024 Conference hosted by IJCLab in Orsay, France, will be held at the auditorium Pierre Lehmann (building 200 - IJCLab) in November 4-8, 2024. As in the previous editions the conference aims at strengthening the international collaboration between the nuclear structure physicists from France, Europe and other laboratories all around the world. It allows fruitful discussions on recent experimental and theoretical aspects of nuclear structure related to the manifestation and description of the various shapes and geometrical symmetries of the nucleus as well as other symmetries and symmetry breaking.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
EuNPC2025 — European Nuclear Physics Conference 2025
22. Sep 2025 - 26. Sep 2025 • Caen, Frankreich
EuNPC2025 is the sixth European Nuclear Physics Conference, organized by the Nuclear Physics Division of the European Physical Society, and jointly by GANIL-SPIRAL2, LPC Caen, IJCLab Orsay and IRFU Saclay. The conference will take place from September 22nd to 26th 2025, and will be held in Caen.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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Stand vom 7. April 2024