PIANC Panama - Agenda

08:30 - 10:00
Room: Track F (Berlin 2 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
Carsten Thorenz
Study on the Filling-Emptying System of Longitudinal Culvert in the Lock Floor
Wu Peng 1, Xuan Guoxiang 2, Cao Fengshuai 1
1 CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co. Ltd.
2 Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

The F-E system of longitudinal culvert in the lock floor was applied in different projects with different lock dimensions in recent years in China. The main characteristics of this kind of system will be summarized. The effects of energy dissipation systems used for the longitudinal cuverts will be disccused. So the hydraulic efficiency of this kind of asymmetric system could be more balanced through improving the effciency of energy dissipation systems at outlets of culvert.

Tu-S4-F - Inland Navigation-2
Session 4 - Waterway infrastructures: locks, weirs, river banks, ...
Wu Peng
Track F (Berlin 2 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
Carsten Thorenz
Tuesday, 8 May
08:30 - 10:00
Session times:
08:30 - 10:00