PIANC Panama - Agenda

08:30 - 10:00
Applying Working with Nature to Navigation Infrastructure Projects
VICTOR MAGAR 1, Kirsten Wolfstein 2, Juan Savioli 3, Ellen Johnck 4, Sim Turf 5, Paul Scherrer 7, Johny Van Acker 6, Daan Ricks 8, Lauren Dunkin 9, Danielle Amber 1
1 Ramboll
2 Hamburg Port Authority
4 Ellen Johnck Consulting
5 Mobility and Public Works Department
6 De Vlaamse Waterweg NV, Afdeling Bovenschelde
7 Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Development
8 Boskalis
9 US Army Corps of Engineers - Engineering Research and Development Center

The PIANC working group 176 is developing guidance to support ports and other public and commercial maritime interests apply a “Working with Nature” (WwN) paradigm to navigation and infrastructure projects. The guidance document is expected to be released in advance of the 2018 World Congress. The guidance will provide a basis for maximizing opportunities for working with natural processes delivering environmental restoration and enhancement outcomes that go beyond merely avoiding or just compensating environmental impacts. In addition to providing guidance on how to apply the Working with Nature paradigm, the guidance will raise awareness and promote expanded acceptance of Working with Nature as applied to navigation infrastructure projects.

WwN is defined as an integrated approach that involves working to identify and exploit win-win solutions that enhance or protect nature, and are acceptable to project proponents and environmental stakeholders (PIANC 2008; 2011). WwN provides an opportunity to:

  1. Reduce demands on limited resources by way of using natural processes to maximize project benefits, thus minimizing the environmental footprint of projects while enhancing project benefits.
  2. Reduce social friction and resistance by applying science-based collaborative processes to organize and focus interests, stakeholders, and partners.

The guidance draws from existing approaches and best practices worldwide. We will present various case studies that exemplify the WwN philosophy. By focusing on case studies, we hope to provide tangible examples of how WwN can be integrated into standard practice for navigation infrastructure projects. The presentation will discuss:

  • The WwN paradigm
  • Present Working with Nature as a process of shifting toward more sustainable practices for achieving multiple project benefits (i.e., environmental, social and economic)
  • Incorporate adaptive management principles and practices, as appropriate
  • WwN case studies

The primary audience in both developed and emerging economies is project engineers, contractors, ecologists, planners, and environmental stakeholders who have an influence on the decision-making responsibility pertaining to navigation infrastructure projects.

This paper will provide an overview of the WwN guidance document. Concepts and approaches are illustrated through representative case studies.

We-S8-E - Environment-3
Session 8 - Societal awareness and responsability, combining economic growth, environment/ sustainability and welfare
Track E (Berlin 1 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
Luis Santanach
Wednesday, 9 May
08:30 - 10:00
Session times:
08:30 - 10:00