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EGCE 2025 — 2nd Eurasia Geoscience Congress & Exhibition
02. Nov 2025 - 06. Nov 2025 • Antalya, Türkiye
Ankara University and Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
The 2nd Eurasia Geoscience Congress & Exhibition (EGCE2025) will take place on November 2-6, 2025, in Antalya, Türkiye, organized in collaboration with Ankara University and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). As a biennial event, EGCE brings together leading geoscientists, researchers, and industry professionals from across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. EGCE2025 will feature cutting-edge research, technological innovations, and interdisciplinary discussions in geoscience fields, including geophysics, hydrogeology, and environmental geosciences. The congress offers keynote speeches, technical sessions and an exhibition, providing a unique platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Event Secretariat;     Email: info@eurasiacongress.org
Three main topics: A- Oil&Gas Exploration: Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation B- Advanced Engineering Research in Geotechnical, Environmental, Mineral, and Energy Resource Exploration C-Earth Science Research Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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Stand vom 18. März 2025