Conférences  >  Médecine & Soins de Santé  >  Hépatologie  >  Danemark

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Steatotic Liver Disease – from pathogenesis to treatment
26 avr 2024 - 27 avr 2024 • Aarhus, Danemark
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Steatotic Liver Disease (SLD) is proposed to be the most prevalent liver disease Worldwide due to the close association with the metabolic syndrome and epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. End-stage liver disease, development of hepatocellular carcinoma and increased risk of cardiovascular disease warrants a pro-active holistic approach to the patient with SLD. With this EASL School of Hepatology focused on SLD we will provide an in-depth update on the pathogenesis, screening and treatment of SLD including co-morbidities. The school will provide state of the art presentations by experts in the field and with strong interactions by participants. The participants are expected to be able to implement their new knowledge in order to improve the care of patients with SLD.
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