Conférences  >  Sciences biologiques  >  Génomique et bio-informatique  >  Croatie

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DS-BE — Data Science and Biomedical Engineering
05 jui 2025 - 06 jui 2025 • Opatija, Croatie
MIPRO Croatian Society
The DS-BE conference aims to showcase new research and advancements in computational methods, tools, and applications related to Data Science and Biomedical Engineering. We invite high-quality, original research papers highlighting theoretical and practical innovations in these areas, expecting interdisciplinary approaches promoting scalable solutions for real-world challenges. The conference focuses on hardware and software solutions designed to address specific domain-related challenges related to various domains in science and industry. Additionally, it encompasses broader research initiatives that provide generalizable approaches across data-driven disciplines.
Karolj Skala - conference chair;     Tél.: [+38551423984];     Email.:
Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Complex Networks: Structure, Behavior, and Dynamics, Knowledge Discovery and Interpretability, Data Science Methods, Tools and Platforms, Big Data Analysis and Visualization, Service Applications Based on Cloud, Fog, and/or Dew Computing, Interpretable and Explainable Machine Learning, Expert Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge Representation and Management, Natural Language Processing and Text Mining, Ethical AI, Data Science in Computational Biology and Medicine, Biological Network Analysis, Drug Target Identification and Validation, Medical and Biological Image Analysis, Analysis and Visualization of Biological and Clinical Data, Bioinformatics and Medical Applications, Advanced Bio-Signal Processing and Interpretation, Monitoring of Vital Functions with Sensor and ICT Systems, Wearable Sensors and Networks in Distributed Systems, Telehealth, Telecare, Telemonitoring, and Telediagnostics, Social Networking, Computing, and Education for Health, Internet of Things (IoT) for mHealth, Data Models and Representations for mHealth, Information Fusion of Biomedical Data, Biomedical Scientific Databases
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