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Glyco27 — 27th International Conference on Glycoconjugates
25. Mai 2025 - 30. Mai 2025 • Edmonton, Kanada
GlycoNet and International Glycoconjugate Organization
Join researchers and industry leaders from around the world at Glyco27, jointly hosted with the 8th Canadian Glycomics Symposium. Discover cutting-edge research and groundbreaking innovations in glycomics and glycoscience with experts from across Canada and around the world. Glyco27 will feature dynamic plenary speakers, keynote presentations, research talks, posters and networking opportunities over the course of the 5½ day program. Program topics include glycomics, glycobiology of disease, tools to drive glycobiology, glycans in immunology, and emerging concepts in glycans.
glycomics, glycoscience, glycobiology, glycans, immunology
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Stand vom 10. Januar 2025