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Summer School 2025 — Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Complexes
07. Sep 2025 - 12. Sep 2025 • Muelheim an der Ruhr, Deutschland
MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion & MPI für Kohlenforschung
The summer school will combine a series of lectures with practical computational sessions and laboratory visits. The lectures will address a broad range of topics related to spectroscopy and computational chemistry. The practical sessions will be focused both on fundamental pen-and-paper problems and on the use of computational tools for spectroscopic simulations and for quantum chemical calculations. Significant emphasis will be placed on the use of the ORCA package for quantum chemical calculations of spectroscopic properties.
Summer School Team;     Email: info@cec.mpg.de
Spectroscopy, Transition Metal Complexes, Computational Chemistry, ORCA, Group Theory, Ligand Field Theory, Optical Spectroscopy, X-ray Spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Spin Hamiltonians, Magnetochemistry, EPR Spectroscopy, MCD Spectroscopy, Mössbauer Spectroscopy

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Stand vom 14. Februar 2025