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ICSC 2025 — 39th International Conference on Solution Chemistry
14. Sep 2025 - 17. Sep 2025 • Monastir, Tunesien
The International Conferences on Solution Chemistry (ICSC) have always brought together scientists from all over the world (professors, researchers and doctoral students) to discuss up-to-date results related to physicochemical processes in solution chemistry from Fundamentals to Industry Applications. Previous ICSC was organized in Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and China, etc. However, participation of chemists from emerging countries has generally been modest due to the relatively high costs of registration, accommodation and transport. The 39th ICSC-2025 will be held for the first time in Africa under the leadership of the ISC Steering Committee, this (in addition to the low participation costs), will encourage African and Middle Eastern young chemists to participate.

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Stand vom 22. August 2024