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DemystiCon 2025 — Beyond the Big Bang
12. Jun 2025 - 16. Jun 2025 • Sesimbra, Vereinigte Staaten
Demysticon 2025 is all about the changing paradigms of astrophysics and cosmology. Join DEMYSTICON and take part in a community of experts, investigators, and enthusiasts. Our annual event this year in Sesimbra (June 12-16) includes a weekend of talks, panels, and discussions about the successes and failures of the standard models, the new ideas that seem most promising, and what it will take to achieve revolutionary insight into the mechanics of the universe.
Event Secretariat;     Email: demystifysci@gmail.com
Demysticon 2025, Beyond the Big Bang, astrophysics conference, cosmology conference, alternative cosmology, paradigm shift in physics, Big Bang alternatives, Eric Lerner, Alexander Unzicker, See the Pattern, Mike McCulloch, C.S. Unnikrishnan, André Koch Torres Assis, Martín López Correiroira, Indranil Banik, Michael Shilo DeLay, Anastasia Bendebury, Sesimbra science event, scientific revolution, physics debates, new physics theories, expanding universe, plasma cosmology, modified gravity, cosmological redshift, dark matter alternatives, dark energy debate, standard model critique, quantum gravity, space-time reconsideration, astrophysical anomalies, general relativity alternatives, observational cosmology, cutting-edge physics, future of cosmology, radical physics ideas, fundamental physics conference, scientific community, independent researchers, astrophysical discoveries

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Stand vom 17. Februar 2025