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SOPATE2023 — The 5th European Congress on Clinical Trials in Pain
07 dec 2023 - 08 dec 2023 • Bruxelles, Belgique
Bioevents Ltd
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the upcoming 5th European Congress on Clinical Trials in Pain (SOPATE2023) which will take place 7-8 December 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

Chronic pain is a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon with a variety of heterogeneous clinical manifestations, pain phenotypes and co-morbidities. The management of chronic pain is still a challenge and we desperately need novel therapeutic approaches. In recent years many clinical trials addressing chronic pain failed to meet the trial endpoint despite encouraging data from preclinical research. One reason for this is that clinical trials have deficits in defining the correct inclusion/exclusion criteria, the correct endpoints and measures for clinically meaningful improvement. Furthermore, the concept that a specific treatment is only beneficial for a subgroup of patients and not for the entire group comes more and more into the focus of clinical trial design.

This Congress will bring together researchers, clinicians, industry professionals and other related experts to look at ways of improving the situation by developing better ideas and practices in clinical trials on pain and address medical devices and other interventions in the treatment and management of chronic pain.

The SOPATE2023 program will include a wealth of knowledge from our world renowned panel of experts.

Ilana Berkowitz;     Tél.: [0044-203-051-4032 ext 525];     Email.:
acute pain, chronic pain, back pain, neropathic pain, pain in osteoarthritis, pain in rheumatoid arthritis, headache, migraine, fibromyalgio, phase 2 studies, phase 3 studies, phase 4 studies, prediction of treatment response, patient reported outcomes, alternate trial design approaches, alternative outcome measures
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