Conférences  >  Médecine & Soins de Santé  >  Neurologie  >  République tchèque

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Movement & Cognition — Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition
13 sep 2024 - 15 sep 2024 • Prague, République tchèque
Charles University Prague
We now know that physical activity dramatically enhances brain plasticity and cognitive performance. Given the sharp rise in sedentary behavior, adult obesity, and aging populations with declining cognitive and physical abilities, the significance of this link is more crucial than ever. Throughout one’s lifespan, physical activity and exercise may help to maintain and even improve brain and cognitive performance.

The conference is a cross-disciplinary professional gathering that brings together academic theorists, researchers, and practitioners who treat their patients with body techniques. Participants have the option of attending the conference or delivering a hands-on workshop, which is frequently based on applied science and in-depth clinical experience. This gives professionals in the field the chance to see how theory may be applied realistically “on the treatment table.” Care giving for children, whether neurotypical or not, and caregiving for the elderly will be examined collectively in the context of movement techniques that foster learning and enhance the standard of living and cognitive ability across a range of The conference will be held on the Medieval Charles University campus in Prague (September 13, 14, and 15 of 2024), and anyone with an interest in or connection to brain, movement, or cognition is welcome to attend.

Tél.: [+34-6666-93-666];     Email.:
Brain, Movement, Rehabilitation, Human Development, Cognitive Neurosciences, Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Sport, Dance, Education, Bodywork, Educational Neuroscience
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