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IDDST-2025 — 21th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology
12 mai 2025 - 14 mai 2025 • Kobe, Japon
World High Technology Society
The Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology (IDDST) initiated since 2003, it has been successfully hosted in Shanghai (China), Beijing (China), Shenzhen(China), Nanjing (China), Haikou(China), Suzhou (China), Xi'an(China), Gyeonggi (South Korea), Osaka (Japan), Boston (USA), Kyoto (Japan), Tokyo (Japan) and Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and has attracted more than 10,000 participants from over 50 countries and regions in the previous 20 years.
Organizing Committee of IDDST;     Tél.: [0086-411-84799629];     Email.:
Identifiant de l'évènement:
IDDST-2025 — 21th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology
12 mai 2025 - 14 mai 2025 • Kobe, Japon
World High Technology Society
The Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology (IDDST) initiated since 2003, it has been successfully hosted in Shanghai (China), Beijing (China), Shenzhen(China), Nanjing (China), Haikou(China), Suzhou (China), Xi'an(China), Gyeonggi (South Korea), Osaka (Japan), Boston (USA), Kyoto (Japan), Tokyo (Japan) and Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and has attracted more than 10,000 participants from over 50 countries and regions in the previous 20 years.
Organizing Committee of IDDST;     Tél.: [0086-411-84799629];     Email.:
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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