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MBB2025 — Mechanics of bond breaking: from single molecules to polymer networks
10. Mär 2025 - 12. Mär 2025 • Brüssel, Belgien
A Symposium organised in the frame of the EOS project "TETHERED"
Bond breaking and reforming have a determining influence on the mechanical and rheological properties of polymer materials and are crucial features to understand and control. These molecular level processes have an impact across different length scales up to the macroscopic level, and it is therefore essential to establish links between these different length scales. However, correlating bulk mechanical performances with the nanomechanical properties of individual molecular constituents remains a major challenge. This symposium aims thus at bringing together scientists working at different length scales, from single molecules to bulk materials.
Event secretariat;     Email: secretariat@mbb2025.org
Covalent adaptable networks and vitrimers, Fracture behavior, Mechanochemistry, Rheological and mechanical properties of polymer networks, Self-healing, Single molecule force spectroscopy, Supramolecular materials

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Stand vom 12. September 2024