Konferenzen  >  Ingenieurwissenschaften  >  Bergbau, Montanindustrie  >  Chile

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13. Jan 2022 - 17. Nov 2022 • Santiago, Chile
Engineers, scientists, and copper fabricators and users from the entire world will meet at this conference, exchanging ideas, scientific innovation, and development. As usual, we will cover all the areas of the copper chain value in Plenary Lectures and nine Symposia. Besides, some Short Courses and Industrial Tours are being planned.
Economics, Markets and Applications, Mineral Processing, Pyrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy, Electrometallurgy, Sustainability, Process Optimization Through Innovation, Technology, Automation and Design, Waste Management and Circular Economy, Geometallurgy
Copper 2022 — COPPER–COBRE 2022
13. Nov 2022 - 17. Nov 2022 • Santiago, Chile
Global engineers, scientists, copper fabricators, and users will meet to exchange ideas, and discuss scientific innovation. The conference will cover all the areas of the copper chain value through plenary lectures and nine symposia. Short courses and industrial tours are also planned. TMS is one of eight leading international professional societies organizing the conference.
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
30. Sep 2021
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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Stand vom 22. Dezember 2021