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PiNE 2025 — Postdocs in Nuclear Energy Conference
08. Apr 2025 - 09. Apr 2025 • University of Leeds, Leeds, Großbritannien
PiNE is coordinated by the Nuclear Academics and Industry Liaison Sub-committee (NAILS), a forum for academics and industry applying nuclear science and technology.
The Postdocs in Nuclear Energy (PiNE) international meeting that offers a great opportunity for post-docs and early career researchers in both industry and academia to share and discuss their scientific work, facilitate collaborative endeavours, and learn what else is ongoing in the nuclear research community. A range of speakers from the nuclear energy sector will give presentations offering career advice and insights into the future of nuclear energy research in the UK. There will also be a poster plenary session and a speed networking event, sponsored by the Nuclear Institute.

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Stand vom 25. Januar 2025