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NRC10 — 10th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry
25. Aug 2024 - 30. Aug 2024 • Brighton, Großbritannien
The Royal Society of Chemistry
We will host another high quality scientific programme giving an excellent overview of the state of the art of modern nuclear and radiochemistry. All aspects of the field will be covered: from nuclear fuel cycle to radiopharmaceutical chemistry, from environmental radioactivity to transactinide chemistry etc.
Actinide chemistry, Chemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle, Environmental Radioactivity, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Education and Training Production of radionuclides, Radiation chemistry, Radioanalytical chemistry, Radionuclide speciation, Radiopharmaceutical chemistry, Transactinide chemistry
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
30. Jun 2024
World Nuclear Symposium 2024 — Nuclear Institute (NI)
04. Sep 2024 - 06. Sep 2024 • London, Großbritannien
Accessing affordable and uninterruptible energy is one of today’s biggest challenges for people globally. Moreover, energy provision needs to be clean and sustainable for our planet to survive and thrive. As recognised during the UN Climate Conference, COP28, accelerating nuclear energy as part of the solution to achieve ‘deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions’. Nuclear power can propel economic development in newcomer countries while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. In established nuclear nations existing nuclear power plants are being operated for longer, extending the environmental and economic efficacy of these plants. New build will include both large-scale reactors as well as smaller, modular reactors.

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Stand vom 24. Juni 2024