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1st International Colloquium “Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion”
12. Okt 2025 - 15. Okt 2025 • Zagreb, Kroatien
The Croatian National CIGRE branch in cooperation with the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences are organizing the 1st International Colloquium ”Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion 2025”
The Croatian National Committee of CIGRE (www. hro-cigre.hr) together with the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb are organizing the 1th Colloquium on Power generation and electromechanical energy conversion which will gather specialists from the academic community, research institutes, original equipment manufacturers, electric utilities and industrial world. The Colloquium is supported by the CIGRE A1 committee. The event is the perfect place to exchange ideas, ask questions and express opinions, renew old acquaintances and make new friendships. The aim is to bring together researchers from the rotating machines production, universities, and utilities in order to present and discuss their research results and latest advances in the fields of design, development and maintenance of generators (hydro and turbo), electrical motors, renewable energy sources and vehicles.

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