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CompBio Asia — Advanced Studies Workshop in Computational Biology
15. Jun 2025 - 28. Jun 2025 • Bangkok, Thailand
University of Montana
The University of Montana, in collaboration with the University of Arizona, Kasetsart University in Thailand and the International Science, Technology, and International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC) of UNESCO are organizing a two-week-long advanced studies workshop in computational biology in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop will cover topics in analyzing sequence data, molecular modeling, molecular dynamics, and other current and advanced topics, including the application of AI in computational biology. Scientists from the USA, Europe, and Asia will be present as instructors at the workshops. The workshop is designed for Ph.D. and exceptionally talented Master's students. Young researchers and faculty members are also welcome to apply. Please apply by April 6, 2025.
Organizers;     Email: compbio@compbioasia.net
Computational Biology, Genomics, Protein Modeling, Molecular Dynamics, Artificial Intelligence.

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Stand vom 24. Februar 2025