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IMCET 2025 — 29th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
11. Nov 2025 - 14. Nov 2025 • Ankara, Türkiye
UCTEA Chamber of Mining Engineers
In our event, which will be held with the main theme of TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, we aim to convey the scientific and technical developments in the mining industry to large audiences, examine and discuss sector problems, and ensure close communication between researchers, operators, company representatives and managers. In this context, 29th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Türkiye will cover all mining processes from exploration to final use, and aims to be an industrial feast where current and universal themes in the mining industry will be discussed, as well as academic presentations.
Tel.: [+905464251090];     Email: imcet@maden.org.tr
mining, engineer, miners, technology, inovation

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Stand vom 11. März 2025