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NAATBatt 2025
17. Feb 2025 - 20. Feb 2025 • Orlando, FL, Vereinigte Staaten
NAATBatt International, the trade association for advanced battery technology in North America, is holding its 16th annual meeting & conference at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate in Championsgate (Orlando), Florida on February 17 – 20, 2025.
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42nd Annual International Battery Seminar & Exhibit
17. Mär 2025 - 20. Mär 2025 • Orlando, FL, Vereinigte Staaten
Founded in 1983, the International Battery Seminar & Exhibit has established itself as the premier event showcasing the state of the art of worldwide energy storage technology developments for consumer, automotive, military, grid, and industrial applications. As the longest-running annual battery industry event in the world, this meeting has always been the preferred venue to announce significant developments, new products, and showcase the most advanced battery technology. For example, Sony chose the International Battery Seminar as the platform to first announce its lithium-ion technology in 1991, an accomplishment that has since gone on to change the world.
Battery Venture, Innovation & Partnering Conference
18. Mär 2025 - 19. Mär 2025 • Orlando, FL, Vereinigte Staaten
The Battery Venture, Innovation & Partnering Conference will run in conjunction with the 42nd Annual International Battery Seminar & Exhibit. We are excited to continue to host a venture and partnering conference; in parallel with an already successful and established technical event of over 2,000+ delegates. At this annual gathering of top leading battery innovators, investors, and executives from around the globe, you will hear candid discussions (panels or 1-on-1 conversations) that explore cutting-edge and relevant topics, along with ample networking time. The senior level speakers and panelists draw from their experiences to share insights that are valuable and timely. Join us at this unique event; as we continue to help advance and finance emerging technology across the entire battery value chain with the ultimate goal of achieving a successful energy transition.
Solid-State Battery Summit
12. Aug 2025 - 13. Aug 2025 • Chicago, IL, Vereinigte Staaten
Cambridge EnerTech
Solid-state batteries are well positioned to be the breakthrough that will help to propel advanced battery technologies to the next level of global adoption. With significant increases in energy density and vastly improved safety, solid-state batteries show significant promise if their costs can be brought in line with other competing battery chemistries. What will it take to bring solid-state batteries down to a $100 kw/hr at the cell level and when can that be achieved. This unique summit will cover the global solid-state battery ecosystem from multiple angles including advances in chemistry, engineering and safety as well as cost control strategies by manufacturers with an outlook on the forecasted market expansion for China, Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States. Don’t miss your opportunity to get the latest developments from the major global players developing solid-state battery technologies.
Sodium-Ion Battery Conference
12. Aug 2025 - 13. Aug 2025 • Chicago, IL, Vereinigte Staaten
Cambridge EnerTech
Sodium-ion batteries are being explored as a viable substitute for conventional Li-ion battery technologies. Sodium is more abundant and less expensive than lithium, leading to lower manufacturing costs, and the potential for large-scale energy storage systems applications. While the energy densities of Sodium-ion batteries are somewhat lower than those of Li-ion batteries, they remain comparable. Moreover, Sodium-ion batteries eliminate or minimize the reliance on several critical elements necessary for Li-ion batteries, offering enhanced cycling stability and safety. This conference aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Sodium-ion battery development.
7th Battery and Energy Storage Conference
23. Sep 2025 - 25. Sep 2025 • Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, Vereinigte Staaten
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE)
The Battery and Energy Storage Conference will engage scientists, engineers, and policy makers to identify, communicate, and explore current advancements in storage materials, devices, and systems to achieve reliable and cost-effective solutions.
14th Annual Battery Safety Summit
04. Nov 2025 - 05. Nov 2025 • Alexandria, Vereinigte Staaten
Cambridge EnerTech
With constantly increasing market demands for higher energy density cells globally, it is critical that advances in chemistry and engineering for next generation batteries have a significant focus on safety. Accurate testing, modelling and battery management systems are critical for predicting and controlling the complex electrochemical, thermal, and mechanical behavior of LIBs. With streams focusing on both materials and engineering for safety, the 14th Annual Battery Safety Summit will bring together the key players from around the world to present the latest R&D advancements for integrating and implementing LIB safety to meet ever-increasing energy demands.

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Stand vom 3. Februar 2025