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OPT Congress
11. Mär 2025 - 12. Mär 2025 • Boston, Vereinigte Staaten
OPT Congress is the premier conference for scientists and clinicians involved in discovering and developing oligonucleotides as therapeutics. For 2025 we are delighted to expand our content and offer a new conference program dedicated to emerging oligo modalities to showcase where the science is heading in the very near future and share cutting-edge research and technologies with community. Now in its 10th year, this unique event brings together leading chemists, biologists, toxicologists, CMC experts, regulatory specialists and technology providers to discuss advances in next-generation oligonucleotides and mRNA therapeutics. In addition to 2 days of inspiring keynotes, interactive discussions and more than 95 scientific presentations, we deliver in-depth short courses to further add to the learning opportunities while you are on site with us. We look forward to having you join us for this important scientific and networking event, that offers robust and customizable programming.
Tel.: [781.972.5400];     Email: chi@healthtech.com
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Stand vom 24. Januar 2025