Conférences  >  Médecine & Soins de Santé  >  Anesthésie  >  Émirats arabes unis

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1st Cleveland Clinic Anesthesia & Pain Management Global Summit
03 nov 2023 - 05 nov 2023 • Abu Dhabi, Émirats arabes unis
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi A Mubadala Health Partner
As healthcare professionals, we are all too aware of the critical role that anesthesia and pain management play in ensuring safety and positive outcomes for our patients . This summit is an excellent opportunity to explore the latest developments in the field and learn from the best and brightest minds in anesthesia and pain management. We will be presenting a diverse range of topics, including the latest techniques and technologies for managing pain, innovative approaches to anesthesia, and emerging trends in perioperative care. We are confident that this summit will provide valuable insights that will enhance our clinical practice and benefit our patients. Our mission is to educate those who serve. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi strives to plan, promote, and provide relevant and evidence-based educational activities that aim to enhance the knowledge and performance of healthcare professionals, strengthen collaboration between healthcare teams, and improve the care and treatment of patients.
Conference Secretary;     Tél.: [+971 55 240 8705];     Email.:
Cardiac Anesthesia Neuro Anesthesia ERAS and the new role of Regional Anesthesia Pediatric Anesthesia Pre-operative Assessment Neuromuscular Blockade and Monitoring Transplant Anaesthesia Chronic Pain Difficult Airways Postoperative Outcome Outward mindset for Anesthesiologists Transitional Pain Pro/con on inhalational Anesthesia
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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