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American Institute of Mathematical Sciences — 14th AIMS conference
16 dec 2024 - 20 dec 2024 • Abu Dhabi, Émirats arabes unis
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and NYU at Abu Dhabi
The Conference aims to promote cooperation, understanding, and collaboration among scientists working in analysis, dynamical systems, differential equations and applications. The goals of the meeting are a cross-fertilization of ideas from different application areas, and increased communication between the mathematicians who develop dynamical systems techniques and the applied scientists who use them.
Pure and applied analysis, differential equations and dynamical systems, in the broadest sense. The applications are diverse and multidisciplinary, covering areas of applied science and engineering that include biology, chemistry, physics, finance, industrial mathematics and more, in the forms of modeling, computations and simulation. As the most participated international conference in its fields, it covers, in the broadest sense, analysis, applied and computational analysis. Included are differential equations, dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, computing, control and optimization, functional analysis and nonlinear analysis, harmonic analysis, approximation, operator theory, mathematical physics, engineering mathematics, biomathematics, and mathematical finance.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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