Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Optimisation, recherche opérationnelle

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EURO 33rd — 33rd European Conference on Operational Research
30 jui 2024 - 03 jul 2024 • Copenhagen, Danemark
Danish OR Society (DORS)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
IWOCA 2024 — 35th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
01 jul 2024 - 04 jul 2024 • Ischia, Italie
Since its inception in 1989 as AWOCA (Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms), IWOCA has provided an annual forum for researchers who design algorithms for the myriad combinatorial problems that underlie computer applications in science, engineering and business. Previous IWOCA and AWOCA meetings have been held in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, UK, Taiwan and USA.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
14 fév 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
IPCO 2004 — 25th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
03 jul 2024 - 05 jul 2024 • University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Pologne
IPCO (Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization) is a conference that is sponsored by the Mathematical Programming Society. IPCO is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on various aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The aim is to present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications of integer programming and combinatorial optimization.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Dagstuhl-Seminar — Dynamic Traffic Models in Transportation Science
07 jul 2024 - 12 jul 2024 • Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Allemagne
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Traffic assignment models are crucial for traffic planners to be able to predict traffic distributions, especially, in light of possible changes of the infrastructure, e.g., road constructions, traffic light controls, etc. There is a trend in the transportation community (science as well as industry) to base such predictions on complex computer-based simulations that are capable of resolving many elements of a real transportation system. Moreover, cities worldwide, driven by critical sustainability goals, are developing digital twins of their transportation networks to inform the design and the operations of these intricate networks. On the other hand, the theory of dynamic traffic assignments in terms of equilibrium existence, computability and efficiency, has not matured to the point matching the model complexity inherent in simulations. This Dagstuhl Seminar, which is the fourth in a row on this topic, aims at bringing together leading scientists in the areas traffic simulations, algorithmic game theory (AGT), and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA), as well as applied researches from industry.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Historical Analysis for Defence and Security Symposium
08 jul 2024 - 11 aou 2024 • ICMS @ York, Royaume-Uni
ICMS - International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
The theme of this meeting, which links academia, industry and government, is historical analysis (HA), the sub-discipline of operational research which conducts quantitative studies of historical warfare and other operations to learn lessons for contemporary defence and security. In addition to attendees from industry and government already familiar with the area, the meeting aims to attract academic operational researchers, mathematicians and statisticians with a strong interest in history, and historians sympathetic to quantitative approaches. Talks and discussions will be accessible to all, with the aim of the meeting being to seed innovative technique and analysis both directly in HA and across the traditional academic divide between history and the mathematical sciences.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ISMP — 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
21 jul 2024 - 26 jul 2024 • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
ISMP is a triennial conference on mathematical optimization, gathering scientists from around the world to present and share their most recent advances and development in the field. It is also a unique opportunity to discuss new challenges and opportunities in practice and theory of mathematical optimization.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Polynomial Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
28 jul 2024 - 02 aou 2024 • Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
COIA-2024 — 9th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications
27 aou 2024 - 29 aou 2024 • Istanbul – hybrid, Turquie
COIA-2024 will offer an excellent forum for discussion and exchange of ideas for researchers and practitioners in the field of control and optimization from all over the world and with its respected speakers, leading dedicated scientific journals and prestigious sponsor organizations will continue the success of the previous conferences.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ODS2024 — International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science
08 sep 2024 - 12 sep 2024 • Badesi, Sardinia, Italie
The International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science is organized by AIRO, the Italian Operations Research Society
The Conference theme is open in the fields of operations research, optimization, problem solving and decision making, and their applications. A special focus will be on the theme “Operations Research: closing the gap between research and practice”.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
DIAGRAMS 2024 — 14th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams
27 sep 2024 - 01 oct 2024 • University of Münster, Münster, Allemagne
Diagrams is the only conference series that provides a united forum for all areas that are concerned with the study of diagrams and has a multidisciplinary emphasis. DIAGRAMS’24 is the fourteenth conference in the series that started in 2000. The multidisciplinary nature of Diagrams means it encompasses: architecture, art, artificial intelligence, biology, cartography, cognitive science, computer science, education, graphic design, history of science, human-computer interaction, linguistics, logic, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and software modelling. The conference attracts a large number of researchers from these interrelated fields, positioning Diagrams as the major international event in the area.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
MOAD'2024 — Méthode et Outils d'Aide à la Décision
20 oct 2024 - 22 oct 2024 • Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie
Université Mouloud Mammeri, Faculté des Sciences
MOAD’2024 aims to establish an outstanding international forum for sharing knowledge and results in the theory, methodology, and application impacts and challenges of decision-making. It provides a platform for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to meet, exchange ideas, and share cutting-edge developments in the field.
Optimization, Statistics, Probability, Stochastic Processes, Control, Graph Theory, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Applications to Engineering Sciences.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
CLAIO 2024 — 22nd Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research
28 oct 2024 - 01 nov 2024 • Guadalajara, Mexique
Association of Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research Societies (ALIO)
The Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research (CLAIO) is the conference of the Association of Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research Societies (ALIO). It has occurred biennially since 1982 in different Latin American cities. The main goals of this conference are to further the exchange of experiences, to establish and deepen ties between researchers and practitioners in the region, and to help young undergraduate and graduate students in their professional development. The Mexican Society of Operations Research will organize the XXII edition of CLAIO, which will take place in Guadalajara, Mexico, from October 28 to November 1, 2024. The conference purposefully coincides with the Mexican "Dead festivities". Moreover, Guadalajara is the region of Tequila houses.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
CSMIO 2024 — 12th Mexican Conference on Operations Research
28 oct 2024 - 01 nov 2024 • Guadalajara, Mexique
Association of Latin-Iberoamerican Operational Research Societies (ALIO)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
AFROS 2024 — International Conference of the African Federation of Operational Research Societies
03 nov 2024 - 05 nov 2024 • Tiamcen – hybrid, Algérie
The primary objective of AFROS 2024 is to provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of recent developments, applications, and emerging trends in OR/MS within the African context and beyond. We aim to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals, promoting the advancement of OR/MS in diverse sectors.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Combinatorial Optimization
10 nov 2024 - 15 nov 2024 • Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
DDQCIII — Data-driven techniques in Operations Research
11 nov 2024 - 13 nov 2024 • Eindhoven, Pays-Bas
The conference will bring together researchers with backgrounds in operations management, statistics, stochastic modelling, data science and control to discuss contemporary queueing-related challenges. The increasing availability of empirical data in the operation of large computer networks and in the management of human service systems is creating new opportunities for study in queueing theory. The objective of the workshop is to highlight and discuss future directions in data-driven queueing that arise in modelling, monitoring and controlling queues, and in dealing with parameter uncertainty, when there is access to operational data.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Dagstuhl-Seminar — Solving Problems on Graphs: From Structure to Algorithms
19 jan 2025 - 24 jan 2025 • Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Allemagne
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Many discrete optimization problems can be modelled as graph problems, leading to a long list of well-studied problems, which include graph partitioning, covering and packing problems, network design problems, width parameter problems, and so on. Most of these graph problems are computationally hard. However, this situation may change if we require the input to belong to some special graph class. This leads to two fundamental questions, which lie at the heart of our Dagstuhl Seminar: for which classes of graphs can a computationally hard graph problem be solved in polynomial time, and for which classes of graphs does the problem remain hard? In our seminar, we aim to discover new insights that lead to results for a whole range of problems rather than just for a single problem alone.
Graph Algorithms, Graph Classes, Graph Containment, Relations, Parameterized Complexity, Width Parameters
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Stein’s Method in Stochastic Geometry, Statistical Learning, and Optimisation
24 aou 2025 - 29 aou 2025 • Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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