Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Mathématiques appliquées (en général)

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Math-Dec — Mathematics and Decision
17 dec 2024 - 20 dec 2024 • Rabat, Maroc
The Vanguard Center at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Morocco
The conference aims to highlight significant recent achievements in various applied mathematics  fields, including partial differential equations, approximation, optimization, applied linear and multilinear algebra, and statistics, with applications in machine learning, deep learning, biology, mechanics, finance and other fields. The conference will feature plenary talks, mini-symposia and poster presentations.
Approximation, optimisation, Linear and multilinear algebra, applied statistics, PDEs, machine learning, deep learning, biology, mechanics, finance.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
ICFCA — International Conference On Fractional Calculus And Applications
26 dec 2024 - 30 dec 2024 • Sousse, Tunisie
Discover the forefront of research and innovation in the field of Fractional Calculus! The International Conference on Fractional Calculus and Applications is a premier gathering of scholars, researchers, and professionals from around the world, dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration in this rapidly evolving discipline.
Fractional Differential Equations, Fractional Partial Differential Equations, Theory of existence and uniqueness of solutions, Stability analysis, Boundary value problems, Inverse problems, Fractional Control Systems, Applications in Physics, Engineering, Biology, and more.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
31 jul 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
RESEARCH IN RESIDENCE — Numerical methods for non-local isoperimetric problems
13 jan 2025 - 17 jan 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
We would like to tackle the numerical resolution of some isoperimetric problems involving non-local competing energies of different nature. The competing energy we consider would either be inspired by Gamow’s liquid drop model for the atomic nucleus (e.g., given by the self-interaction of a set with respect to a general G, or by a fractional perimeter) or would be of Optimal-Transport type (e.g., involving the Wasserstein distances between measures). Although these problems have already been studied theoretically in some regimes, there are many interesting regimes for which little is known ; only some conjectures were formulated. We want to investigate numerically these problems to test these conjectures or formulate new ones.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Circle Packings, Minimal Surfaces, and Discrete Differential Geometry
10 fév 2025 - 14 fév 2025 • Providence, RI, États-Unis
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
This workshop brings together researchers from three distinct streams of mathematics: the classical rigidity theory of bar-joint and tensegrity frameworks in combinatorics and discrete geometry; the theory of generalized circle packing that arose from the study of 3-manifolds in geometric topology, extending to sphere packing and jamming; and discrete differential geometry. A scattering of results in recent years has started to forge connections among these fields. The main aim of the workshop is to encourage their cross-fertilization, with particular emphasis on the rigidity of inversive distance packings. Participants will attend presentations on cutting-edge research and initiate new collaborations.
ICERM;     Email.:
Identifiant de l'évènement:
CALDAM 2025 — 11th Annual International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics
13 fév 2025 - 15 fév 2025 • PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Inde
The International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM), held under the aegis of the Association of Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (ACSDM), is intended to bring together researchers working in the areas of Algorithms and Applied Discrete Mathematics and provide a high-quality forum for the dissemination and discussion of research results in these broad areas.
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
27 sep 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
RESEARCH IN RESIDENCE — Unconditionally stable conforming space-time methods for the Schrödinger equation
17 fév 2025 - 21 fév 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
This project focuses on the development of unconditionally stable conforming space—time methods for the linear time‑dependent Schrödinger equation. The main challenge is to overcome the lack of inf‑sup stability in the standard Petrov‑Galerkin formulation for this equation. In fact, the conforming space—time finite element discretization requires a restrictive CFL condition. To address this issue, we propose two approaches. ‑The first one is to augment the sesquilinear form of the standard scheme by adding a carefully chosen inconsistent penalty term to improve the discrete properties of the scheme. By introducing this term, we aim to improve stability without compromising convergence order. ‑The second approach involves the composition of the continuous sesquilinear form with an appropriate transform of the test functions. This modification aims to endow the new sesquilinear form with higher stability properties than its unmodified counterpart.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
M2A25 — Mathematical Modeling with Applications
18 fév 2025 - 20 fév 2025 • Marrakech, Maroc
The M2A25 conference, hosted by the LAMAI laboratory in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Marrakesh, is organized within the framework of an APRD project funded by OCP Foundation and supported by CNRST, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic and the Cadi Ayyad University.

The M2A25 conference is an international conference in which more than 20 countries are expected to be represented by more than 100 participants, consisting of academic researchers and scientists working in industry. The conference will cover different areas related to the application of numerical analysis to practical problems in engineering, industry, environment, medical imaging, and new image and information technologies. Participants will share their recent contributions and their experience in these fields.

Lahcen Maniar Marilena Mitrouli Ahmed Ratnani Lothar Reichel Carole Rosier Youcef Saad Hassane Sadok Hassan Safouhi Daniel Szyld
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Data Assimilation: From Mathematical and Statistical Foundations to Applications
23 fév 2025 - 28 fév 2025 • Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Nonlinear Geometric Diffusion Equations
23 fév 2025 - 28 fév 2025 • Oberwolfach, Allemagne
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Conference on mathematics of wave phenomena 2025
24 fév 2025 - 28 fév 2025 • Karlsruhe , Allemagne
The mathematical modeling, simulation and analysis of wave phenomena entail a plethora of fascinating and challenging problems both in analysis and numerical mathematics. During the past decades, these challenges have inspired a number of important approaches, developments and results about wave-type equations in both fields of mathematics. In this conference we want to bring together international experts with different background to stimulate the transfer of ideas, results, and techniques within this exciting area.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
WALCOM 2025 — 19th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation
28 fév 2025 - 02 mar 2025 • Chengdu, Chine
Algorithms and Logic Group @ University of Electronic Science and Technology of China , Theoretical Computer Science Committee of China Computer Federation (CCF)
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
22 sep 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
CSE25 — SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
02 mar 2025 - 07 mar 2025 • Fort Worth, Texas, États-Unis
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Evolving Design and Discrete Differential Geometry: towards Mathematics Aided Geometric Design
03 mar 2025 - 13 mar 2025 • Kyushu University, Japon
Joint Research Center for Advanced and Fundamental Mathematics for Industry
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Dagstuhl-Seminar — Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization
23 mar 2025 - 28 mar 2025 • Schloss Dagstuhl – Wadern, Allemagne
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH
In this Dagstuhl Seminar, we are gathering several researchers from different communities (approximation algorithms, algorithmic game theory, operations research, online algorithms, learning theory) that have been interested in this or related questions from different angles. The goal is developing new techniques, identifying new models and directions, and solving some of the many open problems related to the above question.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
RESEARCH IN RESIDENCE — The Hele-Shaw flow with elasticity: Wasserstein flow and phase-field approximation
07 avr 2025 - 11 avr 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Our project focuses on understanding the interplay between elasticity and the classical Hele-Shaw model, with the long-term of simplifying the model and improving its suitability for numerical applications and algorithmic development. Our first aim is to show existence of solutions via the convergence of an implicit time-discretization using the Wasserstain distance. We expect the limit to satisfy the equation in a distributional sense as well as an optimal energy-dissipation relation. Similarly, we construct weak solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility and elastic misfits. Finally, we aim to prove that the sharp interface limit is a distributional solution to the elastically modified Hele–Shaw flow with optimal energy-dissipation rate.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
Dispersive Integrable Equations: Pathfinders in Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems
28 avr 2025 - 02 mai 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The conference, in advance of a thematic program planned for IHP in 2026, addresses the key role played by completely integrable systems as models for wave phenomena in myriad physical settings such as surface water waves and internal waves, quantum excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates, plasma oscillations, optical fiber telecommunication systems, and solid-state physics. The principal objectives of the CIRM conference are to focus specifically on soliton gases, explicit formulas, and asymptotic behavior in integrable models, and to highlight corresponding novel results and new progress on several previously impenetrable fronts.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
DS25 — SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
11 mai 2025 - 15 mai 2025 • Denver, Colorado, États-Unis
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
CanaDAM 2025 — Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference
26 mai 2025 - 29 mai 2025 • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The general topic of the conference is the theory and application of discrete ​structures. Its goal is to highlight the most salient trends in the field, which has ​close links to diverse areas such as cryptography, computer science, large-scale ​networks and biology. Particular areas of interest include: graphs and digraphs, ​hypergraphs, matroids, ordered sets, designs, coding theory, enumeration, ​combinatorics of words, discrete optimization, discrete and computational ​geometry, lattice point enumeration, combinatorial algorithms, computational ​complexity, and applications of discrete and algorithmic mathematics, including ​(but not limited to) web graphs, computational biology, telecommunication ​networks, and information processing.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
RESEARCH SCHOOL — Physics and Mathematics of hydrodynamic and wave turbulence
26 mai 2025 - 30 mai 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The school will introduce participants to several hot research topics at the frontier between geophysical fluid dynamics, fundamental physics and mathematics. The main themes will be spontaneous stochasticity, waves in geophysical and astrophysical fluids and fundamental challenges in hydrodynamic and wave turbulence. The school will consist of several lecture series, plus a number of research seminars, covering mathematical, theoretical and experimental aspects. The school is organized in the framework of an international collaboration which started in 2019 and which is financially supported by the Simons Foundation ( This “Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence” brings together physicists and mathematicians with the aim of addressing fundamental questions about the Wave Turbulence theory and its applicability to real systems and especially to the Earth climate system.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Blurring the lines between pure and applied through mixing
01 jui 2025 - 06 jui 2025 • Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Royaume-Uni
The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS)
Recent mathematical breakthroughs have advanced our understanding of how fluids mix advected quantities like passive dyes and active densities. These discoveries impact statistical turbulence laws, dissipation enhancement, hydrodynamic stability, and convection processes. This one-week workshop will focus on rigorous mathematical findings, physical aspects of fluid mixing, and computational approaches, by bringing together several experts and future leaders in these fields.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
VCMF2025 — Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance
09 jul 2025 - 11 jul 2025 • Vienne, Autriche
TU Wien, Austria
The third Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance will be held once again at the campus of WU Vienna. The conference will bring together leading experts from various fields of Mathematical Finance. The program will feature plenary lectures, parallel sessions with invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Moreover, there will be an attractive social program. The VCMF 2025 follows the successful previous editions VCMF 2019 and VCMF 2016.
VCMF Conference Managers;     Email.:
Financial Economics, Green und Sustainable Finance, Insurance, Statistics for Financial Markets and Large Language Models, Mean Field Games and Stochastic Control, New Technologies in Finance and Insurance, Optimal Transport, Portfolio Optimisation, Risk Management, Rough Analysis in Finance and Insurance
Identifiant de l'évènement:
VC2025 — 16th Viennese Conference on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games
15 jul 2025 - 18 jul 2025 • Vienne, Autriche
TU Wien, Research Unit for Variational Analysis, Dynamics and Operations Research
A well established conference on Optimal Control (ODF, PDE), Dynamic Games/Mean Field Games, Continuous Optimization; Shape Optimization, Mathematical Economics, and Industrial Applications. The organisation committee is lead by Aris Daniilidis. The conference features invited speakers, 5 parallel sessions over 4 days and contributed talks and posters. Registration opens January 2025.
Event Secretariat;     Email.:
Optimal Control (ODF, PDE), Dynamic Games/Mean Field Games, Continuous Optimization, Shape Optimization, Mathematical Economics, Industrial Applications
Identifiant de l'évènement:
GD25 — SIAM Conference on Computational Geometric Design
28 jul 2025 - 30 jul 2025 • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (siam)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
CT25 — SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications
28 jul 2025 - 30 jul 2025 • Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (siam)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ACOMEN 2025 — 9th International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering and Applied Mathematics
15 sep 2025 - 19 sep 2025 • Gand, Belgique
Ghent Analysis & PDE Center, Ghent University
The purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum to present and discuss the latest developments in computational and applied mathematics in various emerging engineering and mathematical fields.
Applied and computational mathematics, Computational solid mechanics, Computational fluid mechanics, Computational material science, Computational electromagnetism, Computational natural sciences and biomechanics, Data driven and Artificial Intelligence applied to modelling, Fluid-structure interactions and coupled problems, High performance scientific computing, Inverse problems, Machine learning, New and emerging discretisation methods, Numerical analysis, Optimisation methods, Partial Differential Equations, Software for scientific computations, Simulation of manufacturing processes, Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
01 jul 2025
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés:
RESEARCH IN RESIDENCE — Elliptic and parabolic equations originating from real world problems
29 sep 2025 - 10 oct 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), France
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The abstract foundation of the book concerning functional analysis, special issues on Sobolev type function scales, and elliptic and parabolic regularity in case of non-smooth data, is already solid. However, the culminating last part of the book is still under discussion and editing. There, it is intended, using the theory established before, to give a condensed and unified treatment of wellposedness for several real-world problems, namely the thermistor problem, the Keller-Segel chemotaxis model, and the macroscopic semiconductor equations (Van Roosbroeck system) in case of Avalanche generation, all for the case of non-smooth spatial domains. These problems were open for decades and solved only recently by the authors and collaborators in journal articles.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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