Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Analyse  >  Australie

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Harmonic and microlocal analysis in PDEs
16 dec 2024 - 20 dec 2024 • Parkville/Melbourne, Australie
The mathematical theory of partial differential equations (PDE) draws on many parts of analysis, including functional analysis, semigroup theory, calculus of variations, and others. Two of the most significant branches of mathematical analysis that have contributed to PDE theory are harmonic analysis and microlocal analysis. This research program aims to foster and further develop this synergy between harmonic and microlocal analysis. It will bring together international and Australian researchers who are, in one way or another, at or close to the interface of harmonic and microlocal analysis, to listen to the latest developments and work together to build new collaborations that will enrich both these areas of analysis, as well as PDE theory, in the future. This research program will be the final event in the 2024 Special Year in Harmonic Analysis at the Australian National University.
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