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XII International Scientific Congress on AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 2024
26 jui 2024 - 29 jui 2024 • Varna, Bulgarie
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0"
The Congress is aimed at giving place of meeting for scientists of different countries, in order to represent their scientific achievements and to discuss the problems of the agricultural mechanization. Machines are the ground, which the modern agriculture is building on. The scientists are called upon to develop them and to be the master mind of the scientific and technical progress. The congress will give the possibility of new acquaintances and friendships, which will boost the formation of new ideas.
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0";     Tél.: [(+359 2) 987 72 90];     Email.:
Agricultural machines, Research and testing, New machine designs, Energy-saving technologies, Uses of machines, Maintenance and repair of agricultural machines, Conserving Soils and Water, Engines, Vehicles, Тransport technologies, Stockbreeding machinery, Utilization of organic and inorganic waste, Application of electric technologies in the agricultural production, Management of agribusiness and Rural Development, Management Services, Agricultural Information Systems
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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