Conférences  >  Sciences de la Terre  >  Écosystèmes, environnement et développement durable  >  Bulgarie

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International Scientific Conference „Conserving Soils and Water 2024”
09 dec 2024 - 12 dec 2024 • Borovets, Bulgarie
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0"
The protection of natural resources is the most important issue for mankind. Scientists from all over the world are called upon to give their contribution for the protection of the riches of Nature and the welfare of mankind. The soil and water protection through the development of science and technologies is becoming a priority and a motivating factor in the life of many people and whole societies. The purpose of our conference is to be the venue for meetings of scientists from various countries to present the results from their research, to share their achievements and ideas, to discuss and offer solutions for maintaining balance and harmony between society and Nature. The conference will provide a chance for new acquaintances and friendships and this also brings to life new ideas.
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0";     Tél.: [(+359 2) 987 72 90];     Email.:
Soil, Role of Soil In Biosphere, Soil Ecology, Soil Resources, Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils, Mineralogical Composition of Soil, Absorption Capacity and Chemical Meliorations, Humus Substances, Ecological Soil Studies, Water, Retaining and Rational Use of Soil Moisture, Model of Water Balance, Irrigation Agriculture, Irrigation Regimes, Contemporary Systems, Machines and Technologies for Minimal and Zero Soil Processing, Combined Units, Constructive, Kinematic and Energy Indicators, Energy-Saving Technologies, Protection of The Soil From Erosion, Anti-Erosion Technologies for Soil Processing and Special Technical Means and Equipment, Environmental-Friendly Storage and Utilization of Waste In Agriculture, Sustainable Management of Lands and Support and Development for Rural Regions, Legal, Financial and Administrative Mechanisms for Integrated Ecosystem Management, Soil and Water Monitoring, Risks for The Agriculture and Society, Information Systems In Agroecology,
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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