Conférences  >  Médecine & Soins de Santé  >  Cancérologie  >  Israël

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EACR Cancer Multiomics & Computational Biology
30 avr 2024 - 02 mai 2024 • Rehovot, Israël
The European Association for Cancer Research
This revamped iteration of our renowned Cancer Genomics series will cover the latest exciting developments in the fields of genomics and bioinformatics including machine learning and AI, single-cell and spatial analysis of cancers, cell plasticity, cancer immunity genomics, data integration and convergence, epigenetics, and genomic instability. Featuring an exceptional international faculty, extensive networking opportunities and a limited number of in-person participants, this conference will provide both the possibility and intimate setting for top quality scientific interaction. We look forward to welcoming you to the Weizmann Institute of Science for this exciting meeting!
Conference Officer: Chris Iliffe;     Email.:
multiomics, computational biology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, single-cell analysis, spatial analysis, cell plasticity, cancer immune genomics, data integration, data convergence, epigenetics, genomic instability, cancer immunology, molecular pathology, cancer transcriptomes, cell tracking, cancer evolution, immune evasion, the cancer genome, neoantigenic landscape, antitumour t-cell response, 3D analysis, translational research, cancer research, oncology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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