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CSEE&T 2023 — 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training
07 aou 2023 - 09 aou 2023 • Tokyo, Japon
Waseda University
For more than 30 years, the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) has been the premier conference on software engineering (SE) education and training for academics and professionals. The conference is for educators, researchers, and practitioners to share new findings and results in planning and executing software engineering education, including pedagogy, curricula, tool evaluation, best practices, and experience reports.

Software engineers are continuously facing challenging technological landscapes, lately through changes in our society with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Metaverse, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote working and online education. New forms of working style and education are enabled and supported by systems and software technologies. Education and training play crucial roles in fostering human resources and creating these technologies. A high-quality environment for knowledge sharing about Software Engineering Education and Training is a necessity for researchers, developers, practitioners, educators, and students, to promote the adaptation, creation, and improvement of systems and software.

General Chair;     Tél.: [81352863272];     Email.:
The list below indicates, but is not limited to, areas of software engineering education in the focus of CSEE&T 2023. - Requirements engineering education (REE) - Teaching artificial intelligence (TAI) - Teaching conceptual modeling (TCM) - Teaching data science (TDS) - Teaching formal methods (TFM) - Teaching skills (communication, teamwork, management, etc.) (TSK) - Teaching "real world" SE practices (TRW) - Software quality assurance education (SQE) - Measuring education and training results (MET) - Motivating students and trainees (MST) - Social and cultural issues (SCI) - Novel delivery methods (NDM) - E-Learning, online training, and education (OTE) - Global and distributed SE education (GDE) - Open source in education (OSE) - Cloud computing education (CCE) - Cooperation between Industry and Academia (CIA) - Training models in industry (TMI) - Continuous Integration and continuous delivery education (CED) - Cyber-physical system or Internet of Things education (CPE) - Methodological aspects of SE education (MAE) - Metaverse in software engineering education (MVE) - Software engineering education @ school (SES) - Software engineering education for novices (SEN) - Vision for SE education in the future (VEF)
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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