Conférences  >  Médecine & Soins de Santé  >  Cardiologie  >  Pays-Bas

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11 sep 2025 - 12 sep 2025 • Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
wikonect GmbH
This year, we gather in the vibrant and innovative city of Rotterdam to continue advancing the treatment of chronic total occlusion (CTO). The Euro CTO Meeting boasts a rich scientific heritage and has been a leader in CTO treatment for years, driving groundbreaking advancements, fostering innovation, and facilitating the exchange of best practices among interventional cardiologists worldwide. Likewise, the ACTOS Meeting, with its roots in Amsterdam, has established itself as a premier international CTO course, recognized for its emphasis on technique, precision, and practical education. Together, these platforms create an unparalleled opportunity to push the boundaries of CTO recanalization and patient care.

Our program is meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. A particular highlight will be the live case demonstrations, featuring transmissions from Amsterdam and Rotterdam. These cases, conducted by some of the world’s most skilled operators, will showcase the latest techniques and technologies in CTO treatment. Expert lectures, interactive discussions, and real-world insights from global thought leaders will further enhance the scientific and educational value of the meeting.

Attendee & Speaker Management;     Tél.: [+49 611 204809 0];     Email.:
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