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LITERATURE STUDIES '22 — XI. International Conference on Literature
18 nov 2022 • Online, Turquie
DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center)
Literature Studies Conference explores literary works from various rich traditions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America while examining the literary worlds in terms of their relation to each other, their exchange with society, and their inner tension of past and contemporary. The lives of the authors, literature as a sector, translation issues, readership, and theoretical discussions are the themes also covered by the conference. The conference aims at setting up a comprehensive view of literature standing on a balance of the social and ideological aspects of written works and the detailed in-text analysis.

Classical works, as well as experimental texts in various genres, constitute the vivid map of world literature. Johann Wolfgang Goethe famously stated early in the 19th century, “National literature is now a rather unmeaning term; the epoch of world literature is at hand, and everyone must strive to hasten its approach.”

In the era of globalization, the internet, and social media, World Literature has not only been changed in terms of its production, distribution, and consumption, but also generated new ways of writing and historical inquiry. DAKAM’s Literature Conference invites scholars from all over the world to present their contemporary perspectives of literary texts of the past and present echoing the context they’ve been written.

World Literature Poetry Novel Drama Literary Forms Language and Literature Topics Styles Authors Interactions and World Literature Politics and Literature Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Science-Fiction, Crime, Fantasy Comparative Literature Education History of Literature Literary Criticism
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