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510(k) Submissions — 510(k) Submissions to the FDA: Hands-On Workshop
30 mai 2024 - 31 mai 2024 • Washington DC, États-Unis
Each year FDA receives about 3000 applications for new devices via the 510k process, and about 60% of them are rejected either for poor quality application that cannot even be reviewed or for other technical reasons. Submissions to the FDA that are poorly organized, do not follow current practices, contain inconsistencies between documents, have missing or incomplete content, or poor structure will result in significant delays in the clearance process. With multiple review cycles, up to 90 days each, rejections by FDA could stretch the 510k clearance time-lines to 8 months or more. Most of the refuse-to-accept deficiencies are due to the inexperience of the 510k writers, who ignore the FDA rules. Writing and assembling a complete and well structured 510(k) submission will certainly improve the likelihood of FDA clearance on the first round.

This hands-on workshop is done by one of the industry’s top regulatory expert. The trainer has performed numerous reviews of 510(k) submissions over the last 15 years, and has analyzed the reasons that most often lead to delays in getting submissions ultimately cleared by FDA. This hands-on workshop will walk the attendees through the structure and key elements of the 510(k) submission and explains in clear language the most common pitfalls to avoid in the development of your 510(k) submission to the FDA.

FDA, 510 K Submission, 510 K Writers, FDA Compliance, FDA Regulations,
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