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IAPAM — Aesthetic Medicine Symposium & Botox Training
06 jui 2025 - 09 jui 2025 • Scottsdale, États-Unis
International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
By far, the most requested minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure is Botox®. Every successful aesthetic practice must offer botulinum toxin (Botox®, Xeomin®, Dysport®) injections to their patients. Our exclusive Successful Aesthetic Practice System™ will teach you how to turn your medical practice into a profitable practice in just 4 days! By following our industry-leading, dermatologist-led 3 Step Botox® Training Protocol™, you will be ready to treat patients after attending our weekend program.
Member Experience Manager;     Tél.: [1-800-219-5108];     Email.:
Review of the Anatomy and Physiological of the Skin, Understanding Epidermal Layers. Facial Structure, including Facial Musculature, Identifying Skin Tension Lines overlying Facial Muscles and Cosmetic Subunits, Common Cutaneous Diseases, Identifying Common Skin Cancers (Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma), Cosmetic Injectable options available today: FDA approved Botulinum Toxin for facial aesthetics (Xeomin®, Botox Cosmetic®, Dysport®, Jeuveau®), Botulinum Toxin Injection Techniques, Protocols, and Guidelines, Patient Selection, Contraindications and Cautions, Hands-On patient mark-up exercise, Hands-On injection workshop with live patients (provided), top 5 aesthetic procedures, medical weight management, dermal filler, laser hair removal, chemical peel, microdermabrasion. laser tattoo removal training, body shaping/tightening
Identifiant de l'évènement:
IAPAM — Aesthetic Medicine Symposium & Botox Training
05 sep 2025 - 08 sep 2025 • Scottsdale, États-Unis
International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
TBy far, the most requested minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure is Botox®. Every successful aesthetic practice must offer botulinum toxin (Botox®, Xeomin®, Dysport®) injections to their patients. Our exclusive Successful Aesthetic Practice System™ will teach you how to turn your medical practice into a profitable practice in just 4 days! By following our industry-leading, dermatologist-led 3 Step Botox® Training Protocol™, you will be ready to treat patients after attending our weekend program.
Member Experience Manager;     Tél.: [1-800-219-5108]
Review of the Anatomy and Physiological of the Skin, Understanding Epidermal Layers. Facial Structure, including Facial Musculature, Identifying Skin Tension Lines overlying Facial Muscles and Cosmetic Subunits, Common Cutaneous Diseases, Identifying Common Skin Cancers (Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma), Cosmetic Injectable options available today: FDA approved Botulinum Toxin for facial aesthetics (Xeomin®, Botox Cosmetic®, Dysport®, Jeuveau®), Botulinum Toxin Injection Techniques, Protocols, and Guidelines, Patient Selection, Contraindications and Cautions, Hands-On patient mark-up exercise, Hands-On injection workshop with live patients (provided), top 5 aesthetic procedures, medical weight management, dermal filler, laser hair removal, chemical peel, microdermabrasion. laser tattoo removal training, body shaping/tightening
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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