Conférences - Aviation & vol spatial - Viêt Nam

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PMAE 2021 — The 4th International Conference on Progress in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
16 dec 2021 - 18 dec 2021 • Hanoi, Viêt Nam
The South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering
The 4th International Conference on Progress in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (PMAE 2021) will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam during December 16-18, 2021, as workshop of CMAME - The 9th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering.
Tél.: [+86-18062000004];     Email.:
Aerospace Mechatronics and Avionics Systems, Advanced theoretical models, Advances in aerospace technology, Aeroelasticity and loads, Aerodynamic's fundamental concepts, Aerospace robotics and mechatronics, Flight software engineering and testing, Aerostructures and composites, Aeronautics and astronautics, Aircraft systems, Aircraft design concepts, Applied aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, Aviation human factors, Computational fluid dynamics
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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Dernière mise à jour: 01 Avril 2021