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10th BEFORE REALITY Conference
25. Jun 2025 - 27. Jun 2025 • Munchen, Deutschland
BETA CAE Systems
The BEFORE REALITY international conference is now celebrating almost 20 years since its inception and has earned a stellar reputation as the premier gathering for the engineering simulation community. This success is thanks to the committed engineering simulation professionals who, every two years attend this international conference. This event is the perfect opportunity to come together, share the latest concepts, exchange knowledge, and discuss the development needs of our software products and services, on an international stage.
Email: congress@beta-cae.com
CAE strategy & process planning, CAE processes automation, Simulation Data Management (SDM), Durability, Crash & Safety, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Noise Vibration & Harshness (NVH), Multi Body Dynamics, Optimization, Machine Learning, Composite materials modeling, Thermal analysis, Electromagnetics analysis, Simulation results assessment, Virtual & Augmented Reality, Concurrent engineering & collaboration

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Stand vom 6. Oktober 2024