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Parallel-in-time algorithms for exascale applications
07. Jul 2025 - 11. Jul 2025 • ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, Großbritannien
The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS)
Parallel-in-time algorithms, the topic of this workshop, enable parallel computation in the time domain, in addition to more traditional parallelism through spatial domain decomposition. Time-parallelism is significantly more challenging than spatial parallelism due to causality, since the state of the system at future times must depend on that at past times. However, the advent of the exascale era has inspired recent research in to these algorithms, leading to an explosive increase in the number of different algorithms available. The efficiency of these algorithms depends on tailoring the algorithm to the equations being solved and this requires interdisciplinary collaboration both with the application experts and with mathematicians working in adjacent areas.

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