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MML2025 — 12th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers
13. Jul 2025 - 18. Jul 2025 • Leeds, Großbritannien
Since the inaugural meeting at Kyoto, Japan in 1993, the International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers has been held around the world; in places including Cambridge (1995), Vancouver (1998), Aachen (2001), Boulder (2004), Perth (2007), Berkeley (2010), Kyoto (2013), Uppsala (2016), Madrid (2019), and Seoul (2023). Continuing with this rich tradition of success, the 12th conference will return to the UK after 30 years and be held in Leeds. The central thrust of the MML series of symposia is to bring together scientists working on metallic multilayers and heterostructures to share their latest research results and discoveries. The main emphasis of the symposium is on new developments in metallic, magnetic, and superconducting heterostructures yielding novel physical phenomena, often emerging from interfacial properties, as well as applications arising from those new effects.
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