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39th ECIS Conference (Jointly with UK Colloids 2025).
07. Sep 2025 - 12. Sep 2025 • Bristol, Großbritannien
The annual ECIS conference is the flagship event of the European Colloids and Interface Society (ECIS). Its 39th edition will be jointly held with the 5th UK Colloid Science Conference in the historical city centre of Bristol on 7th-12th September 2025. We envisage that the joint conference will attract more than 700 established and early-career scientists from academia and industry – from UK, EU, US, Australia, China, and further afield across the globe. The conference topics are broad-ranging, from fundamental studies to innovation-oriented research, providing a stimulating platform for the delegates to present and discuss latest multidisciplinary research and applications in the field of colloid and interface science.
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
11. Apr 2025
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Faraday Discussion — High-entropy alloy nanostructures: from theory to application
24. Sep 2025 - 26. Sep 2025 • London, Großbritannien
Royal Society of Chemistry
To benefit from the predicted superior properties of high-entropy alloy (HEA) nanostructures in future energy solutions, many fundamental scientific questions and challenges still remain. These include: the development of new synthetic routes to achieve nanostructures with compositional, morphological and structural control; development of new high-throughput characterization routines to examine the structural and elemental distribution of multi-elemental nanostructured materials with high spatial resolution; the development of theoretical models to predict the catalytic properties and active sites driving the reactions on multi-elemental surfaces; the evolution of HEA nanostructured catalysts under realistic operating conditions; magnetic properties of HEAs. This Faraday Discussion aims to bring together pioneers within this area in a cross-disciplinary manner by providing a platform to explore possible solutions to these challenges, while establishing a fundamental understanding of these novel materials.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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Stand vom 24. Dezember 2024