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Summer School of Coding Theory, Cryptology and its Applications
16. Jun 2025 - 24. Jun 2025 • Karaman, Türkiye
Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University
The program aims to introduce algebraic coding theory and cryptography, which are two main branches of information security. Moreover, each topic will be illustrated with calculations made with a computer program. It is planned to use the free online version of the Magma Algebra program. It is planned to introduce four courses as Groups, Rings, Modules, Finite fields, finite extension, Basics of Coding theory, Basics of Cryptography, and programming applications that provide the necessary background at the undergraduate/master's level and introduce relevant research directions in the relevant fields. The participants can continue developing their knowledge into theoretic as well as application aspects, which are very useful for the community

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Stand vom 22. Februar 2025