Conférences - Algèbre - Bosnie-Herzégovine

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5th EU/US Summer School and Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics
01 aou 2022 - 13 aou 2022 • Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzégovine
Automorphic forms are present in almost every area of modern number theory. In recent decades there has been a starburst of activity and progress in this broad area, leading to many new and exciting directions, applications, and connections with other areas. This is a rapidly expanding area, with numerous approaches, tools, and interconnections, as well as connections to other areas of mathematics. The Building Bridges research school offers training to graduate students and early career researchers in the areas of automorphic forms and related topics that continue to be the foci of exciting and influential research activity. The five-day workshop immediately following the summer school aims to foster and strengthen a long-lasting, friendly and supportive exchange between automorphic forms researchers in the EU and the US, and to integrate the summer school students into this community.
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