Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Algèbre  >  Pologne

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Torus Action and Characteristic Classes
01 jui 2025 - 07 jui 2025 • Będlewo, Pologne
Banach Center
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The Yang-Baxter Equations and All That
15 jui 2025 - 21 jui 2025 • Będlewo, Pologne
Banach Center
The conference will explore the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE), a central topic in pure mathematics with connections to particle physics, statistical mechanics, and various mathematical fields like algebra, knot theory, tensor categories, and Hopf–Galois theory. Introduced in the 1960s by Yang and Baxter, the YBE has evolved into a rich and profound area of study. Drinfel'd's combinatorial version of the YBE, proposed in 1992, unveiled deep connections to numerous mathematical structures, including skew polynomial algebras, Bieberbach and Garside groups, and self-distributive structures such as racks and quandles. New algebraic concepts such as cycle sets, braces, and trusses were developed to address YBE-related problems and have found applications in other areas of mathematics.
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20th Workshop: Noncommutative Probability, Operator Algebras and Related Topics, with Applications
06 jul 2025 - 12 jul 2025 • Będlewo, Pologne
Banach Center
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Frontiers of Lie Theory: Computational Aspacts and Applications
28 sep 2025 - 04 oct 2025 • Będlewo, Pologne
Banach Center
Since its origins in the work of Sophus Lie (now more than a century ago), Lie theory has seen tremendous developments and is now fundamental in many areas of mathematics (like group theory, geometry, symmetric spaces etc) and physics (quantum mechanics, particle physics, theory of gravity). Nowadays there are specialized computer packages such as LiE, the Atlas project, the package Chevie for GAP3, the program ChevLie. Also the more general purpose computer algebra systems GAP4, MAGMA and SageMath have large libraries for dealing with various objects that are central to Lie theory.
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